Setting Up and Figuring out Social Media for ehh Books
The ironic bit first. I have helped set up and maintain many social media pages/accounts throughout the years but struggle when it comes to mine.
Social Media platforms are great ways to be able to interact with your customers in a way that they deem appealing. It can also help establish credibility for your brand as it grows. It can help you find trends in terms of your customer behavior and opinions. Then there’s the ability to (debatable with KDP it seems) see what your competitors are or aren’t doing.
I am hoping to grow my social media organically. Rather, without spending money on ads or “boosts” as they’re called on Facebook and Instagram. This is likely the cause of the irony I mentioned at the start. As the saying goes, money talks or rather can speed up your social media growth.
Oh, another bit of warning, each platform has its own way of interacting so there isn’t a 1 size fits all. There are a few exceptions here and there, such as screenshotting a tweet that took off on Twitter and using that as an Instagram post.
As you can see there is a lot of room for variety when it comes to social media. So there isn’t a reason not to have your brand on social media.
That said I know it can be tricky figuring out what you want to do with each platform. For ehh Books on YouTube, I am going to have reviews of books, how to use books (when applicable), and what I’m most excited about: How-to videos. I love helping others and being able to give back in some way.
On Instagram, I’ve been focusing on sharing inspirational and thought-provoking messages. Also some examples of my books in use.
Twitter is still a bit of a mystery at this point, and well so is Facebook. As time goes on I’ll figure out what works for each. Regardless I set them up so that if that is how a customer wants to communicate it is an option.
I will say I am honestly surprised to see so few fellow Amazon KDP brands using social media in any way. Worse yet, several are just trying to push their products through social media instead of any engagement.
Slow and steady wins the race so to speak, I have a lot to learn and grow in this sense which is incredibly exciting and I can’t wait!
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