Cupcake Themed Composition Notebooks
Who doesn’t love cupcakes? Maybe you’re in the “weird” boat like me and like your cupcakes without frosting. Either way, I think we can both agree that to qualify as a cute cupcake many would expect there to be frosting. On the plus side, you won’t have to worry about the amount of sugar in these cute cupcakes as they’re pure artwork.
I created several different styles of cupcakes to come up with this cover. Cherries, hearts, and frosting oh my! With all the different types of cupcakes, I came up with I sprinkled them throughout the pages. Hmm, dang it, I didn’t make a cupcake that has sprinkles!
If you’re like me you might not want to write in the notebooks because they aren’t boring. That’s the beauty of being able to get yours with Amazon’s print-on-demand option. Oh and if you have Amazon Prime that works for these too, so you’ll be able to get extras fast!
- Composition Notebooks are 7.5″ x 9.25″ (between A5 and A4)
- 120 pages
- Line spacing: wide-ruled or college-ruled
Click Buy Now to Order Yours Today!

ehh Composition: A Cupcake Themed Wide Ruled Composition Notebook