About ehh Books

Liz and the kiddos building a Lego set.
Hi, I’m Liz. I’m a mom of 2 amazing kiddos. Like many, I struggle to find ways to balance making a living and family time. I try to find various ways to apply the skills I’ve picked up over the years.
Yes, I want to skew the balance toward more family time. Don’t we all?
Beyond that, I want to show my kiddos an example of what they can do with knowledge. The more they know the more they can see that there isn’t only one way to do things. I also want to encourage them to be creative in their own right and be willing to try new things.
As my kiddos continue to grow up, far too fast, I want to make sure they don’t lose sight of a concept often forgotten. Our fulfillment comes from helping others in some way. I love that when my kiddos see someone is sad they try to be silly or tell a joke (albeit corny ones) to make them smile.
It doesn’t take much and yet as we grow up we often lose sight of that. Sometimes it is as simple as creating a customized version of something. I hope that the books I create are useful and bring people some happiness. That these books can serve as a reminder that doing something for someone else can be fulfilling.
That’s why ehh Books came to life.
I know that sometimes customized things are a luxury. I hope you consider an ehh Book when you can afford that luxury.